Desired Mentee Characteristics
Interested in learning
Open to feedback
Knows when to seek guidance
Shows initiative/follow through
Contributes to the partnership
Demonstrates drive towards achieving success
Willing to dedicate time
Interested in career advancement (you should not be a mentee if you are just looking for someone to help you get a job)
Be willing to learn
Take initiative – ask questions!
Question topic suggestions:
Helpful books, websites, resources that can help you.
Network resources
Who in their network can they connect you with to help advance you professionally?
Ask if they know anyone hiring
Honor your commitment
Your mentorship will be as valuable as you treat it. Your mentor has volunteered their time to help you, please be respectful of your mentor’s time and of the program.
Expect support, not miracles
Be communicative
Communicate your needs, uncertainties, or challenges clearly
Be receptive
Be willing to receive constructive criticism. Listen both to what is being said and how it is being said.
Tasks for Mentees
Complete JuMP Mentee Profile questionnaire
Prepare and share your resume with your mentors
Participate in our chapter's monthly Public Speaking Workshop
You will be automatically registered for the workshop as part of the onboarding process to the JuMP Program
You will be expected to participate in at least 3 workshops
Participate as a volunteer to support our chapter's events and initiatives
Complete JuMP feedback forms
You are REQUIRED to complete the JuMP Feedback form after each session